Our microbiome, or the billions of bacteria that dwell in our gut, is one of the essential components of our body when it comes to health. There are unlimited foods that are good for health; if you are finding the answer to know, is cheese good for gut health? Then this article is for you to know all the facts. 

Scientists are discovering connections between our bacterial ecosystems and anything from body weight to asthma to acne. In the long run, we might remain healthy if there is the correct balance of bugs. While some gut bacteria benefit human health, others increase our vulnerability to illness.

Is Cheese Good for Gut Health?

One of those simple items to reach for when you’re hungry, bored, or simply at a loss for what to eat when you’re feeling snacky is cheese. Most cheese is heavy in saturated fat and sodium, making it a terrific snack for your taste buds and digestive system, but limiting your intake is crucial.

Some cheeses, which can cause flatulence and even diarrhea in lactose-sensitive persons, are also known to cause constipation in others due to their high-fat content. A balanced meal is the greatest approach to incorporating cheese and intestinal health; doing so helps you avoid unintentionally overindulging.

What’s even great is that it immediately improves the flavor and nutrients of anything you’re cooking!

Cheese is A Good Product For Gut Bacteria

Researchers discovered that participants who consumed cheese had higher levels of butyrate; a byproduct of gut bacteria frequently linked to a decrease in cholesterol, in their feces. Because of this, the authors contend that eating a lot of cheese—despite its high-fat content—might be advantageous for you and that perhaps saturated fats, in general, aren’t bad.

Since fresh cheeses are typically not fermented, they lack the beneficial bacteria that make some cheese healthy for your digestive system. This is so because pasteurized milk, which is milk that has been heated to a temperature that destroys harmful bacteria, is typically used to make them.

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Biotics 8 Review: SCAM or A Legit Probiotic for Men?

Which Type of Cheese is Good for Gut Health?

Cottage cheese is a fantastic choice for your digestive system, so cheese lovers, rejoice. Cottage cheese frequently provides probiotics, just like other fermented foods (check the package labels about live and active cultures), and it’s rich in calcium, which is crucial for healthy bones.

Research indicates that moldy Roquefort cheese contains anti-inflammatory qualities. American consumers consume sodium-filled Kraft singles, despite their high calcium content.

So go ahead and indulge in all the cheese you want as long as you choose varieties high in probiotics and eat it in moderation with grains, fruits, and vegetables, as well as lots of exercise. Try something new by experimenting with European cheese. You might be helping your gut flora.

Raw cheese must have been aged for at least 60 days before it may be sold. Fortunately, the aging process that destroys the potentially harmful pathogens in raw milk and renders cheese safe to consume also permits the growth of helpful bacteria! Aged cheeses like gorgonzola, parmesan, cheddar, and gouda are just a few that can be good for your digestive system.

Let’s uncover the nutrients in fee types of cheese.


Originally from the northern Italian town of Gorgonzola, gorgonzola cheese is a variety of blue cheese. Its marble-like blue veins are a product of bacterial development during aging and resemble marble. Its consistency can be either crumbly or creamy, and the longer it ages, the sourer taste you will get at the end.

In one oz. (28 g) of gorgonzola cheese, you’ll find the following ingredients:

  • 100 – Calories
  • 7 g – Carbs
  • 8 g – Fat
  • 6 g – Protein
  • 326 mg Sodium


Aged and hard, parmesan cheese has a salty, nutty taste and a gritty texture. It is created with raw, unpasteurized cow’s milk that is aged for at least a year to eliminate harmful bacteria and give a nuanced flavor. Parmesan cheese weighs 28 grams is composed of the following:

  • 111 – Calories
  • 1 g – Carbs
  • 7 g – Fat
  • 10 g – Protein
  • 26% of the DV – Calcium
  • 15% of the DV – Sodium


An extremely well-liked semi-hard cheese from England is called cheddar. It might be white, off-white, or yellow and is made from matured cow’s milk that has been stored for several months. Cheddar comes in various flavors, from extra mild to extra sharp.

In one oz. (28 g) of cheddar cheese, you’ll find the following ingredients:

  • 115 – Calories
  • 1 g – Carbs
  • 9 g – Fat
  • 7 g – Protein
  • 8% of the DV – Sodium
  • 15% of the DV – Calcium


Everywhere in the world, people love cheese. Made from entire cow’s milk and matured for one to twenty months, Gouda cheese has its roots in the Netherlands. Gouda cheese’s texture and flavor vary depending on its age.

While older types are more likely to be crumbly and hard with a sweet, nutty flavor, younger ones have a smooth texture and a milky flavor. Here are some details on the nutritional value of Gouda cheese.

In one oz. (28 g) of gouda cheese, you’ll find the following ingredients:

  • 101 – Calories
  • 6 g – Carbs
  • 8 g – Fat
  • 7 g – Protein
  • 232 mg Sodium

In contrast to Greek yogurt, cottage cheese and soft fermented cheeses like Gouda, some cheddar, and parmesan are all frequently brimming with probiotics.

According to an increasing body of studies, these cheeses can help you maintain a balanced gut flora, which is crucial for maintaining excellent digestive health, weight, an effective immune system, and possibly even mental health.

Another recent study discovered that modest amounts of saturated fats found in cheese, butter, and other dairy products are not all that terrible for you. The widespread anti-fat stance probably needs to be supported by meaningful data.

Read More:

Best Cheese for Gut Health: 11 Healthiest Cheeses for Gut Health

Probiotics – Aged cheese is the best source 

Probiotic foods include cheese. The so-called probiotics in it are living bacteria and fungus. Pro, which means “for,” and bios, which means “life,” are the components of the word. So, “for life” is what probiotics mean. Intestinal flora contains beneficial bacteria and fungi, including probiotics.

Cheese includes beneficial bacteria that help improve gastrointestinal and general health. Cheeses contain probiotics that have been aged but not heated afterward typically. This includes both soft and hard kinds of cheese, such as cottage cheese, Swiss, provolone, Gouda, cheddar, Edam, and Gouda.

Lactic acid bacteria are the most prevalent of them, number 400 distinct species in a healthy intestine. They possess a wonderful home. They can endure the strong stomach acid because they enjoy it sour. It follows that consuming food will always provide you with fresh lactic acid bacteria. By doing this, you maintain a healthy balance of gut flora.

How Much Cheese Should You Use for Gut Health?

Your intestines receive a healthy amount of protein, vitamins, and lactic acid bacteria from a delicious piece of stinky cheese a few times per week. The same holds with cheese: a lot of it only sometimes helps a lot.

You can also assist regeneration with probiotics in the form of dietary supplements if your intestinal flora has been out of balance for a long time. A balanced diet can also help you swiftly regain control of your digestive health.

Concluding Now!

A healthy, well-balanced diet can generally benefit from the addition of cheese.

A lot of your favorite foods benefit significantly from the addition of cheese. Most cheeses are excellent sources of calcium, protein, fat, cards, and extra health advantages. Notably, some cheeses may have nutrients that support digestive health, help you lose weight, strengthen your bones, and lower your risk of heart disease.

Nevertheless, monitoring your consumption is still important because some cheeses can be heavy in sodium or fat.

FAQs about Cheese and Gut Health

What cheeses are the highest in probiotics?

Aged, conventional cheddar cheeses, Gouda, and Alpine cheeses like Gruyère are a few kinds of cheese high in probiotics. You can try raw milk cheeses with washed rinds like King Stone Farm’s Rollright or Consider Bardwell Farm’s Slyboro for soft cheeses.

Can cheese be healthy for the gut?

Some varieties of cheese like fermented foods, dietary supplements, and yogurt include probiotics, beneficial microorganisms that help improve gastrointestinal and general health. Cheeses that have matured but not heated afterward typically contain probiotics.

What’s the digestion time of cheese?

Skimmed milk and low-fat cheese, like low-fat cottage cheese or ricotta, typically take 1.5 hours to digest; however, whole-milk cottage cheese and soft cheeses will pass through your system in 2 hours. It can take up to five hours to fully digest whole-milk hard cheeses.

How many probiotics are in the cheeses?

Aged classic cheddars, Gouda, and Alpine cheeses like Gruyère are a few examples of cheeses high in probiotics. Try raw milk cheeses with cleaned rinds, such as Rollright from King Stone Farm or Slyboro from Consider Bardwell Farm, for soft cheeses.

Which cheese is suitable for lactose intolerance?

If you have lactose intolerance, you can still consume cheese, but be selective. Cheddar, parmesan, and other hard, aged cheeses have reduced lactose content. Goat or sheep’s milk cottage cheese or feta cheese are further low-lactose cheese alternatives.

What cheese has a higher lactose intolerance risk?

Due to its high lactose content, cream cheese is worse for lactose intolerance.

Sources and References

At TipTop Gut, we rely on peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions, and medical associations. We avoid using tertiary references.