They are rich in nutrients and healthy. It is technically considered a fruit and suitable as an ingredient in curries, soups, sauces, and pasta. While tomatoes provide a variety of health advantages, however, eating them over a day can result in some adverse negative effects.

One of the most common causes of tomatoes’ adverse effects is an overdose of lycopene, which can be detrimental to people who are otherwise well, eating too many tomatoes can seriously hurt your body, resulting in digestive issues, gastroesophageal reflux disease, diarrhea, kidney problems, and even bodily aches.

Lycopene is a carotenoid in the diet found in tomato products and other tomato-based items. Many questions are raised about whether the lycopene in tomatoes could provide beneficial or protective health effects.

A cup of cherry tomatoes fresh has 3834 micrograms of lycopene which is quite a bit. It is, therefore, possible to suffer from an overdose of lycopene. In the end, taking too much in eating tomatoes could trigger adverse health effects.

What Happens If You Eat too Many Tomatoes?

While they are generally suitable for consumption, they may cause problems in specific individuals. Some of the issues tomatoes can trigger are acid reflux, the effects of intolerance, muscle aches and pains, etc. The benefits of tomatoes should outweigh their harmful effects.

Even the leaves that are part of the tomato plant may be harmful. When consumed in large quantities, it could cause nausea, dizziness, headaches, and in extreme instances, to cause death.

Another essential factor that contributes to the tomato’s dark side is lycopene. Unsurprisingly, the compound is the reason for its many benefits.

Lycopene in Tomatoes

Lycopene is entirely safe in the majority of instances. However, lycopene supplements might not be suitable when pregnant. Lycopene can also increase those symptoms that are associated with prostate cancer.

Lycopene is a naturally occurring chemical found in vibrantly colored fruit and veggies. As per recent research that has been conducted, vegetables and fruits such as watermelon, tomatoes, papaya, red bell pepper, and grapefruit are stocked with this chemical in large quantities.

Lycopene is a carotenoid, an encapsulation of phytonutrients containing yellow, red, or fat-soluble pigments. It gives color to vegetables and fruits. Carotenoids provide numerous health benefits and help to prevent illnesses.

But, among all the fruits and vegetables consumed almost daily, tomatoes and their products are the most lycopene-rich, a cause that is a source of concern.

The tomato products such as tomatoes, juices, and pizza sauce offer the most lycopene in the everyday diet. Lycopene is a valuable food coloring permitted in food products in the United States, Australia, New Zealand, and the European Union.

In addition to its natural sources, lycopene appears in some supplements or multi-ingredient formulations. So, it’s usually an overdose with lycopene can be dangerous.

Side Effects of Eating too Many Tomatoes

As a nightshade family member, ‘Solanaceae”, Tomatoes are an essential ingredient in many delicious foods we love to savor. As a fruit, this juicy and squishy fruit can enhance the taste of food and is a vital ingredient in the world of food.

Tomatoes, specifically, have high amount of malic acid and citric acid . Each dish would be incomplete without the mushy and juicy tomatoes, from soups to salads and sauces to curries. But this red, tangy ingredient can cause harm to your system if you indulge too much in it.

Due to the acidic nature of this tasty vegetable, it could trigger numerous health issues. Not only the tomato, however, but even the leaves of tomatoes are also extremely dangerous in the event of consumption in massive quantities.

So, if you’re an avid fan of tomatoes, the adverse effects could be a wake-up call for you and prompt you to remove them from your list of ingredients. Find out more about the impact here.

Acid Indigestion or Acid Reflux

Do you remember that feeling of unease in your belly that caused heartburn? You can blame this tiny ingredient! Containing acidic components such as malic acid and citric acid, tomatoes can trigger severe acid reflux in your system after you’ve indulged in tomatoes for too long.

After digestion begins, the acidic content of tomatoes triggers the release of stomach acid in the stomach. The released acid causes it to travel through the food pipe, which causes nausea and heartburn. So, if you’re trying to avoid the irritable sensation in your chest, it is essential to stay clear of eating too many tomatoes. Read more here about the tomatoes and acide reflux: Do Tomatoes Cause Acid Reflux? True OR False Decide it Now 

Gastroesophageal reflux disease

As a result of eat tomatoes in excess quantity, your stomach may produce too much acid, which can cause heartburn or acid reflux. You should limit your tomato intake if you have symptoms of GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease) or experience digestive stress.

A bloated or irritated constipation

If you’re feeling constipated after eating, you should point your finger at the tomato’s tangy taste. Because of their indigestible flesh and seed, tomatoes could cause irritable bowel movements, which frequently cause constipation.

A few of the well-known causes of digestive problems is tomatoes. It is recommended not to consume tomatoes in large quantities. You may also read more here; Do Tomatoes Cause Gas and Bloating? Let’s Reveal the Truth! 

Higher chance of developing prostate cancer

For men, excessive consumption of tomatoes can produce excessive amounts of lycopene in their bodies. Indulgence in this delicious fruit could cause discomfort and difficulty in the process of passing urine. This could cause damage to the prostate gland and may lead to prostate cancer.

Could cause allergies and infections

Eating too many tomatoes cause allergies. A compound found in tomatoes, is the cause of adverse allergic reactions that happen immediately after eating tomatoes.

Histamine, a substance found in tomatoes, can cause skin rashes or allergic reactions. It is a sign of a cough, sneezing and eczema, hives, skin reactions, throat irritation , and swelling of the mouth, face, and tongue are a few of the responses to allergies that can be experienced after eating this squishy and red fruit.

If you notice any of these symptoms, it’s recommended to stay clear of tomatoes for the duration to prevent these severe health conditions.

The results in kidney stones

It is rich in Oxalate and calcium. The excessive consumption of tomatoes could result in the accumulation of these nutrients in your body. The drawback of the buildup is that these nutrients aren’t readily broken down and flushed out of our bodies.

The accumulation of these elements may cause kidney stones that can be detrimental to health. Therefore, avoid consuming excessive amounts of this delicious fruit to prevent harmful kidney stones.

Arthritis and other body discomforts         

Compounds such as Histamine and Solanine found in tomatoes help build calcium-rich tissue in the body, which frequently causes the joints to become swollen.

Joints that have swollen up can create intense pain when moving and make it difficult to carry out daily routine tasks. In extreme cases, the excessive consumption of tomatoes could cause the development of arthritis. In rare instances, excess consumption tomatoes might cause arthritis to develop.


Because of their excessive acidic and greasy ingredients, tomato juice is bound to cause stomach pain. It can lead to diarrhea in those suffering from tomato intolerance. A substance called Salmonella found in tomatoes could cause an upset stomach after excessive consumption and cause frequent toilet trips.

Cardiovascular problems

Canned tomatoes, as opposed to fresh tomatoes, tend to be high in sodium. Many canned tomatoes could accumulate excessive amounts of sodium in the body, which increases the risk of developing cardiovascular disease. Excessive sodium in the bloodstream can increase your blood pressure creating heart issues.

Higher chance of Lycopenodermia

We know that tomatoes are high in the chemical lycopene. Therefore, over-indulgence in tomatoes can cause lycopene accumulation in your body, which causes the condition known as Lycopenodermia. It’s a condition that causes skin discoloration and can cause it to appear dark-orange. But, it doesn’t cause lasting harm; it can certainly affect one’s appearance.

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Tomatoes contain citric and malic acids, which can make your stomach acidic. Because of the growth of gastric acids from different sources in your stomach, eating too many tomatoes may cause acid reflux or heartburn.You may also read; Are Cooked Tomatoes Less Acidic? Surprising Facts! Best Guide 2022

So, those who frequently suffer from stomach discomfort or GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disorder) symptoms should reduce the number of tomatoes they consume.

Skin Discolorations

As odd as it might seem, eating too many tomatoes can cause skin damage because they can cause Lycopenodermia, an illness in which high levels of lycopene in the blood can cause skin discoloration and a dull appearance. According to experts, an average daily intake of 75mg is believed to be healthy.


Histamine, a chemical found in tomatoes, can trigger allergic reactions like sneezing, coughing, itchy throat, and skin irritation after eating. If you’re intolerant to this substance, do not eat it.

Additionally, tomatoes could trigger allergies to contact dermatitis. If you are allergic, even simply touching the fruit will cause your skin to become severely itchy and inflamed. The skin gets itchy and swollen after touching the tomato case when you’re allergic.

Joint Pain

Solanine, an alkaloid present in tomatoes, is the cause of joint pain and swelling. They can also trigger joint inflammation by increasing the likelihood of calcium accumulation in tissue. So, you should reduce your consumption of tomatoes if you have joint discomfort.

Pregnancy-Related Issues

Supplementing lycopene with dietary pregnant women is not risky. Women who eat more tomatoes believe that lycopene may lower the chance of developing preeclampsia.

However, the results of a study concluded that lycopene would not reduce the likelihood of preeclampsia in high-risk women. It instead leads to an increased risk of premature delivery. It is, however, recommended for pregnant women to stay clear of the chemical lycopene.

What happens if you eat too many tomatoes - Tomatoes and Gut Health -

The Most significant Side Effect of Over Eating Tomatoes

Tomatoes add flavor to your food and make your skin soft and smooth. They are a popular food item throughout the world. But, some are a bit too enthusiastic about their tomato consumption regardless of the taste or health benefits.

Lycopene from tomatoes or food sources is usually safe. However, just like every other food, excessive consumption of foods high in lycopene may result in an overdose. Because tomatoes contain the most levels of lycopene, the odds of an overdose of lycopene are greater.

Additionally, the supplemented lycopene can have adverse effects, especially when consumed in high quantities. Most people do not realize that this could have negative health effects.

Specific side effects of the overdose of lycopene can cause long-term consequences for the body. For instance, high levels of lycopene from tomato consumption may cause nausea, diarrhea, gastric cramps, stomach cramps, and vomiting.

Therefore, if you consume a lot of tomatoes, cut off the tomatoes to observe if there is any difference. In reality, in some cases, the adverse effects of tomatoes are due to the acidity of tomatoes instead of the lycopene component, which causes stomach irritation.

In addition, stomach ulcers could get worse from tomato-based meals. In addition, those who are taking medication to lower blood pressure must not take lycopene as it can result in reduced blood pressure.

Other Side Effects of Eating too many Tomatoes and Lycopene

They are acidic, which gives them a bitter taste. This is why eating excessive amounts of tomatoes in huge quantities could cause acid reflux and acid reflux. Also, tomatoes are high in solanine, a form of alkaloid. But they also offer many health benefits.

Solanine is the reason for the accumulation of calcium in tissues, which causes inflammation. It is a severe adverse effect that is associated with lycopene overdose.

Other Potential Hazards

Lycopene increases the chance of bleeding because of interactions with drugs. For instance, it could cause Ibuprofen, blood thinners naproxen, and antiplatelet drugs. Lycopene can cause stomach disorders that range from diarrhea to as frequent as vomiting.

“Too much of anything is bad,” as the old-fashioned saying goes, and tomatoes are unhealthy when consumed in too high quantities. Drinking too many tomatoes could cause various health issues, including digestive, kidney, stomach, and discomfort in your body.

Many people are taking lycopene supplements that are readily accessible throughout the world. But, they can result in health issues. Ask a nutritionist for advice if you are unsure how many tomatoes you should consume per day. It’s also important to know whether you’re allergic to tomatoes or lycopene. Lycopene also interacts with numerous cancer-fighting drugs, as well as the antibiotics ciprofloxacin as well as olestra. Therefore, you should consult your physician if taking any of these medications.

Lycopene: Do you have any daily recommendations?

Apart from the intake of lycopene in food from tomato-based fruits, Some people also consume it as an added benefit. The study says that the information on lycopene differs from tomato consumption, dependent on the size of the population. For example, the typical daily lycopene intake amounts to 4.9 mg per day in the Netherlands and 1.6 mg/day in Spain. There is no daily recommended intake of lycopene.

Aiming for a minimum of 10 milligrams of lycopene daily is recommended. According to some studies, recommended dosages of lycopene generally vary from 2 to 30 mg daily for 6 months. It is possible to get a daily dose of lycopene using pink grapefruit, which contains approximately one to two milligrams in each serving.

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Health Benefits of Lycopene

While getting lycopene via your food is the easiest method, you must ensure you’re eating enough lycopene-rich fruits and vegetables to reap the advantages. It’s got many benefits to provide.

As an example, lycopene supports many biological processes. In addition to the food industry, cosmetics and medicine utilize lycopene-based sources. Here are some many advantages of lycopene.

Strong Antioxidant

According to numerous studies and studies, lycopene is an antioxidant that is naturally occurring. Antioxidants can help shield your body from the negative consequences of free radicals. They can protect proteins, DNA, and lipids. If free radical levels are high, oxidative stress is created in the body.

Chronic diseases like diabetes, cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and Alzheimer’s disease are linked to stress. Lycopene, in addition, can neutralize reactive elements such as nitrogen dioxide and hydrogen peroxide.

Protects Against Cancer

While recent research has revealed evidence linking lycopene to cancer protection, this topic will require more investigation. Lycopene’s antioxidant profile could aid in slowing the growth of cancer and boost the production of some proteins in the body that aid in breaking down the cancer-causing chemical.

But, the function of the antioxidant lycopene in cancer prevention needs more proof. However, an epidemiological study suggests that lycopene can protect people from colorectal and prostate cancers. Additionally, through its inhibition of the insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor (IGF-1R) pathway, the lycopene molecule has been recognized as a crucial molecule stopping the proliferation of breast cancer cells.

Improves Heart Health

Heart disease is now one of the most frequent causes of morbidity and death. The research released in the National Journal of Biotechnology shows that the lycopene compound can reduce LDL (bad) cholesterol levels while raising HDL (good) cholesterol levels.

Many experts believe that having higher levels of lycopene in one’s body can reduce the risk of heart attacks, clogged or blocked arterial arteries, low blood pressure, and various other cardiovascular diseases. Lycopene is also helpful in decreasing inflammation through the aid in forming RBCs and macrophages.

Improves Skin Health

Alongside the prevention of cancer In addition to cancer prevention, as well as cancer prevention, a study has shown that carotenoids in food like lycopene shield our skin from burning. They can also provide long-lasting protection from dangerous UV radiation.

Furthermore, you can enhance the condition of your skin’s collagen and stop the appearance of fine wrinkles. Lycopene is beneficial for all types of skin. However, it can be helpful to those with skin that is sensitive and aging.

In addition, tomatoes are astringent and can reduce the appearance of large pores. Furthermore, antioxidants reduce the irritation and redness caused by the body’s inflammation process.

Numerous studies included people who ate tomato paste every day experienced an average of 40 percent lesser UV (UV) sunburn due to sun than those who didn’t.

Other Benefits

Lycopene helps stop strokes, especially ones resulting from blood clots. This is because it lowers cholesterol levels and decreases inflammation, which could lead to stroke. In addition to being cardio-protective, it also functions as an anti-neuroprotective drug.

The beneficial effects of lycopene on neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s have been proven in earlier research studies.

What happens when you eat tomatoes everyday?

Eat tomatoes in excess may cause other gastrointestinal problems, including irritable bowel disorder (IBS). Drinking a lot of tomatoes can cause adverse symptoms like diarrhea and bloating, typical manifestations of IBS in certain people. They may also trigger gastritis, stomach pain, and sensitivities. Eating too many tomatos cause tomato intolerance.

Concluding Now!

Numerous studies have concluded that lycopene is safe and beneficial in multiple ways. However, insufficient information and research make it impossible to jump to conclusions without considering the possible dangers of overdose.

Therefore, it is advisable to consult your healthcare practitioner to find out if the lycopene supplements you take are safe or not. It is also essential to be informed of the risks it could pose and the benefits it offers.

Although supplements offer many advantages, they must not ignore the negative impacts. For instance, lycopene products are beneficial in treating skin cancer and blood pressure.

However, overuse of these products can be fatal. Additionally, if it is not utilized correctly, it can cause adverse effects on the body. So, you must get medical advice before taking it.

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Sources and References

At TipTop Gut, we rely on peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions, and medical associations. We avoid using tertiary references.

  • Story EN, Kopec RE, Schwartz SJ, Harris GK. An update on the health effects of tomato lycopene. Annu Rev Food Sci Technol. 2010;1:189-210. doi: 10.1146/ PMID: 22129335; PMCID: PMC3850026.
  • Imran M, Ghorat F, Ul-Haq I, Ur-Rehman H, Aslam F, Heydari M, Shariati MA, Okuskhanova E, Yessimbekov Z, Thiruvengadam M, Hashempur MH, Rebezov M. Lycopene as a Natural Antioxidant Used to Prevent Human Health Disorders. Antioxidants (Basel). 2020 Aug 4;9(8):706. doi: 10.3390/antiox9080706. PMID: 32759751; PMCID: PMC7464847.
  • Giovannucci E. Tomatoes, tomato-based products, lycopene, and cancer: review of the epidemiologic literature. J Natl Cancer Inst. 1999 Feb 17;91(4):317-31. doi: 10.1093/jnci/91.4.317. PMID: 10050865.
  • Story EN, Kopec RE, Schwartz SJ, Harris GK. An update on the health effects of tomato lycopene. Annu Rev Food Sci Technol. 2010;1:189-210. doi: 10.1146/ PMID: 22129335; PMCID: PMC3850026.
  • Hindawi: Lycopene: Food Sources, Biological Activities, and Human Health Benefits

  • FDA. Qualified Health Claims: Letter Regarding “Tomatoes and Prostate, Ovarian, Gastric and Pancreatic Cancers (American Longevity Petition)” (Docket No. 2004Q-0201). 2005. Accessed on May 20, 2020.
  • Ferro Y, Mazza E, Angotti E, et al. Effect of a novel functional tomato sauce (OsteoCol) from vine-ripened tomatoes on serum lipids in individuals with common hypercholesterolemia: tomato sauce and hypercholesterolemia. J Transl Med 2021;19(1):19. View abstract.