There are 40 trillion bacteria that reside in your body. The majority of them reside in your digestive tract.

Collectively, they’re referred to as the microbiome of your gut, and they’re vital for overall well-being. However, certain kinds of bacteria in your intestines may contribute to various diseases.

Various factors, such as the food you consume, can affect the bacteria in your digestive tract.

Let’s read the best things for your gut health.

9 Best Things for Your Gut Health

Here are the nine best things for your gut health based on science to boost your gut health.

#1. Explore a Wide Range of Meals

A myriad of bacteria resides in your intestines, each that plays a particular function in your health and requires specific nutrients for growth.

A varied microbiome is deemed to be healthy. The reason is that the more varieties of bacteria you can have, the more excellent health benefits they might be capable of contributing.

A varied diet that includes a variety of kinds of food can result in an increased diversity of biome.

The traditional Western diet is not that varied and is awash in sugar and fat. In reality, it is estimated that 75 percent of the world’s food comes from only 12 animal and five plant varieties.

But, the diets of particular rural areas are typically more varied and richer in various plants.

This is why some studies have demonstrated that the diversity of gut microbiomes is significantly higher among people living in rural regions of Africa and South America than in people who live in urban areas of Europe and those in the United States.


A varied diet rich in whole food sources can result in a varied microbiome, which is advantageous to your overall health.

#2. Take A Large Number of Legumes, Vegetable Beans, Fruits, and Vegetables

Fruits and vegetables are among the top sources of nutrients to maintain an enlightened microbiome.

They’re rich in fiber which the body isn’t able to process. But, some bacteria within your gut can take in fiber, stimulating these bacteria’ growth.

The legumes and beans also contain significant amounts of fiber.

Certain high-fiber food items that are beneficial to your gut bacteria are:

  • Raspberries
  • Artichokes
  • Green Peas
  • Broccoli
  • Chickpeas
  • Lentils
  • Beans
  • Whole Grains
  • Bananas
  • Apples

One study revealed that a diet plan high in vegetables and fruits stopped the growth of certain bacteria that cause disease. Do you know what is the best fruit for Gut Health? Read here; Best Fruit for Gut Health.

Apples, artichokes, blueberries, almonds, pistachios, and blueberries are also known to boost Bifidobacteria in humans.

Bifidobacteria is a beneficial bacteria because they can help reduce intestinal inflammation and improve the gut’s overall health.


Many vegetables and fruits contain a lot of fiber. Fiber is a key ingredient in developing gut-friendly bacteria, including specific varieties like Bifidobacteria. You may also read about the Best Foods for Gut Health and Digestion.

#3. Consume Fermented Foods

Fermented foods have undergone fermentation, a process by which the sugars they contain are broken into smaller pieces by bacteria or yeast.

Examples of fermented foods include:

  • Yogurt
  • Kimchi
  • Sauerkraut
  • Kefir
  • Kombucha
  • Tempeh

Many of these food items are high in lactobacilli, an encapsulated type of bacteria that may benefit your health.

Research has shown that people who consume a lot of yogurts have more lactobacilli within their intestines. Also, they have fewer Enterobacteriaceae, which is a type of bacterium which is associated with inflammation as well as various chronic illnesses.

Similar to this, several studies have demonstrated that eating yogurt may improve the intestinal microbiome and lessen signs of intolerance to lactose.

Additionally, yogurt can aid in the functioning of the microbiome and its composition. You may also read here; Is Yogurt Good for Gut Health? Amazing Facts Revealed 2022

However, most yogurts, including flavor-based yogurts, have large sugar levels. So, it’s better to go with plain unsweetened yogurt or flavor-based yogurts with little added sugar. It is made solely of bacteria, and milk mixtures, sometimes referred to as “starter cultures.”

In addition, for the benefits of gut health, make sure the label says “contains live active cultures.”

In addition, fermented soybean milk could encourage the development of beneficial bacteria, for example, Bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, and decrease the amount of other bad strains. Kimchi could also improve the gut colon.


Fermented foods, such as plain yogurt benefit the microbiome by increasing its functions and decreasing the number of harmful bacteria in the digestive tract. You may also read the List of Fermented Foods for Gut Health.

List of Fermented Foods for Gut Health

#4. Consume Prebiotic Food Items

Prebiotics are foods that help promote the growth of beneficial bacteria within the gut.

They are mostly fiber or complex carbohydrates that our cells can’t digest. Instead, bacteria of certain species within the gut break them down to make them into fuel.

Many vegetables, fruits, and whole grains have prebiotics. They are also available on their own.

Resistant starch is also prebiotic. This kind of starch is not absorbed into the small intestine. It is then passed through the large intestine, where microbiota breaks it down.

Numerous studies have proven that prebiotics may encourage the growth of beneficial bacteria. This includes Bifidobacteria.

Specific prebiotics has been found to decrease insulin, triglyceride, and cholesterol levels among people suffering from obesity. This could help prevent diseases like heart disease or Type 2 Diabetes.


Prebiotics can encourage the growth of beneficial bacteria such as Bifidobacteria. Certain studies suggest that prebiotics can lower the risk factors associated with specific health issues by reducing amounts of insulin, triglycerides, and cholesterol.

#5. Consume Whole Grains

Whole grains are loaded with carbohydrates that are not digestible, like beta-glucan. These carbohydrates are not digested in the small intestine but instead travel into the large intestine to encourage the development of beneficial bacteria within the gut.

Research indicates that whole grains could encourage the development of Bifidobacteria Lactobacilli, Bifidobacteria, and Bacteroidetes in humans. In these research studies, whole grains also enhanced feelings of fullness and reduced inflammation and cardiovascular risk factors.

Keep in mind that research has shown that gluten-rich grains — like barley, wheat and rye could have adverse effects on the health of your gut by increasing inflammation and permeability in specific individuals.

Although this is mostly the case for people with celiac disease or gluten sensitivity, further research is required to establish whether eating grains containing gluten can change the gut microbiome for healthy adults who do not have these health conditions.


Whole grains contain non-digestible carbs, which can encourage the development of beneficial bacteria in your gut’s microbiome. These changes to gut flora could enhance certain aspects of metabolic health. You may also read; Is Oatmeal Good for Gut Health? Surprising Facts Revealed 2022.

#6. If You Can Feed Your Baby for At Least Six Months

The microbiome of babies develops appropriately from the time of birth. However, research suggests infants may be exposed to certain bacteria before birth.

The infant’s microbiome continues to develop in the first two days of their life. It is awash in beneficial Bifidobacteria that can break down the sugars in breast milk.

Numerous studies have revealed that infants fed formula have a different microbiome and have fewer Bifidobacteria than infants fed breastmilk.

Additionally, it is associated with lower levels of allergies or obesity, as well as other health issues that could be caused by variations in gut microbiota.


Breastfeeding can help a baby build a healthy microbiome which can help prevent certain diseases later in life.

    Best Probiotic for Vaginal and Gut Health
    Read More:

    Best Probiotic for Vaginal and Gut Health: An Ultimate Guide 2022

    #7. Get a Plant-based Diet

    Foods derived from animals encourage the growth of various intestinal bacteria, whereas those based on plant foods do.

    Numerous studies have proven that eating vegetarian foods can benefit the gut microbiome. This could be due to their fiber amount.

    For instance, a tiny 2013 study showed that a vegetarian diet leads to lower levels of bacteria that cause disease in obese people and a decrease in body fat, inflammation, and levels of cholesterol.

    A review from 2019 found that plants are rich in particular nutrients that increase the number of beneficial bacteria as well as reduce bacteria that cause harm to improve the health of your gut.

    It is unclear whether the positive effects of an all vegetarian diet on the gut microbiome are due to reduced meat consumption or if other factors could be involved.


    Vegan and vegetarian diets can enhance the microbiome. It is unclear what the benefits these diets bring can be explained by a deficiency of meat consumption or other factors that could be responsible.

    #8. Eat Foods Rich in Polyphenols

    Polyphenols are plant-based compounds with numerous health benefits, such as reductions in inflammation, blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and oxygenating stress.

    Human cells can’t always digest polyphenols. Since they’re not absorbed in a streamlined manner, most polyphenols make their way into the colon. Bacteria process them from the gut.

    A few examples of foods that are rich in polyphenols include:

    • Dark Chocolate and Cocoa
    • Red Wine
    • Grape Skins
    • Green Tea
    • Almonds
    • Onions
    • Blueberries
    • Broccoli

    Polyphenols in cocoa may increase the quantity of Bifidobacteria and lactobacilli in humans and decrease the amount of Clostridia.

    In addition, these changes to the microbiome can be linked to lower triglycerides and C-reactive protein levels, which is a sign of inflammation.

    The polyphenols present in red wine exhibit similar effects. They have increased the quantities of healthy bacteria among people suffering from metabolic disorders.


    Polyphenols cannot be efficiently digested by human cells. However, they are quickly eliminated by the microbiota of the gut. They could improve aspects of health related to inflammation and heart disease.

    #9. Intensify Your Intake of Probiotics

    Probiotics are live microorganisms, typically bacteria that offer specific health benefits when consumed.

    Probiotics do not permanently colonize the intestinal tract in the majority of cases. However, they can improve your health by altering the microbiome’s composition and assisting in metabolic processes.

    A study review of 63 revealed mixed evidence on probiotics’ efficacy when changing the microbiome. The researchers also noted that the most effective results were restoring the microbiome to an optimal state after damage.

    However, certain studies have proven that probiotics enhance the function of specific gut bacteria and the types of chemical compounds they produce.

    You can boost your intake of probiotics by eating more probiotic-rich food items, such as fermented foods such as kimchi sauerkraut, kefir, and yogurt.

    Alternately, you could think about probiotic supplements. But, make sure you consult your physician before beginning any supplementation, particularly when you’re taking other medications or have underlying medical conditions.


    Probiotics can boost microbiome functioning and bring the microbiome back into good health for those suffering from particular health conditions.

    The most important thing is the bottom line.

    The bacteria in your gut are crucial to various aspects of your health.

    Numerous studies have revealed that a weakened microbiome could result in a myriad of chronic illnesses.

    The best method to maintain an enviable microbiome is by eating an assortment of fresh, whole foods from plant sources such as vegetables, fruits, and legumes. Beans, legumes as well as whole grain. You may also read, ‘Are Beans Good for Gut Health?’

    One thing

    Take a look today. Foods that ferment are highly nutritious and are an excellent method to spice up your diet and improve the health of your digestive system. Consider substituting the milk for kefir in smoothies, using miso as a base to make sauces and soups, and adding tempeh to your stir-fry recipes!

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